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MCQs on Object Oriented C++ Programming
MCQs on Object Oriented C++ Programming
MCQ related to Object Oriented programming using C++ for general use and also for job preparation of Public Service Commission
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Q No.1 of 10

The following C++ code results in
#include “iostream.h’’
void main (void)
      cout << (int  i=5) <<(int j= 6);

Option 1

Compilation error

Option 2

Run time error

Option 3


Link time error

Option 4

None of the above

Q No.2 of 10

The statements
int a  =5;      
cout << “FIRST’’ << ( a<< 2 ) << “SECOND”;   

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4

An error message

Q No.3 of 10

The following program fragment
void main (  )
int   x = 10;
int &p = x ;
cout   << &P   << & x;

Option 1

Prints 10 and the address of  x

Option 2

Result in a run time error

Option 3

Prints the address of x and address of p twice

Option 4

None of these

Q No.4 of 10

The declaration

int   x ;

int &p=x ;

Is same as the declaration

int     x, *p ;     p =&x;

This remark is


Option 1


Option 2


Option 3

Sometimes true

Option 4

None of the above

Q No.5 of 10

The following program segment

const int     m= 10;

int & n = m;

n= 11;

cout <<  m  <<  n;

Option 1

Result in compile time error

Option 2

Result in run time error

Option 3

Prints   1111

Option 4

Prints   1011

Q No.6 of 10

The following program segment
int   a =10;

int const   &b=a ;

a= 11;

cout<< a<<b;

Option 1

Results in compile time error

Option 2

Result in run time error

Option 3

Prints   1111

Option 4

None of the above

Q No.7 of 10

Consider the following program segment.
static char   X [3 ] = ’’1234”;
cout <<  x ;
A complete C++ program with these two statements

Option 1

Prints 1234

Option 2

Prints 123

Option 3

Prints 1234 followed by some junk

Option 4

Will give a compilation error

Q No.8 of 10

Consider the declarations

const char cc =’h’ ;

char *cp;

const char *const ccpc =&cc;

char *const cpcp;

Which of the following statements

Statements I:     cp =*cpcp;

Statements II:    **cpcp=*cp;

Statements III:    *cp = **cpcp;

are legal?

Option 1

All are legal

Option 2

All are illegal

Option 3

Only statement   I is illegal.

Option 4

Statements I and III are illegal. 

Q No.9 of 10

class A

{ public:

A  (void)

{  cout  <<  “Howzhat”; }

A (void)

{ cout << “whatizit” }


class B:A

{ public :

      B (void )

     {  cout << “WYSIWYG";  }

B  (void)

     cout  << “YACC”; }


The declaration B x;

Option 1

Prints Howzhat WYSIWYG YACC  Whatizit

Option 2

prints nothing

Option 3

Prints YACC Whatizit Howzhat WYSIWYG

Option 4

None of the above

Q No.10 of 10

class A

{ public:

A  (void)

{  cout  <<  “Howzhat”; }

A (void)

{ cout << “whatizit” }


class B:A

{ public :

      B (void )

     {  cout << “WYSIWYG";  }

B  (void)

     cout  << “YACC”; }


If the main function has the two statements

B  x;


Option 1

Howzhat WYSIWYG  YACC Whatizit done.

Option 2

Howzhat WYSIWYG done YACC Whatizit.

Option 3

YACC Whatizit Howzhat WYSIWYG done

Option 4

None of the these.

Correct Answers