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MCQs on Object Oriented C++ Programming
MCQs on Object Oriented C++ Programming
MCQ related to Object Oriented programming using C++ for general use and also for job preparation of Public Service Commission
Option image

Q No.1 of 10

C++ was originally developed by
Option 1
Clocksin and Mellish
Option 2
Donald E. Knuth
Option 3
Sir Richard Hadlee
Option 4
Bjarne Stroustrup
Q No.2 of 10

Option 1
Is the front end of a C compiler
Option 2
Is the pre-processor of a C compiler
Option 3
Is a tool that translates a C++ code to its equivalent C code
Option 4
None of the above
Q No.3 of 10

Reusability is a desirable feature of a language as it
Option 1
Decreases the testing time
Option 2
Lowers the maintenance cost
Option 3
All of these
Option 4
None of these
Q No.4 of 10

Choose the correct statements regarding inline function.
Option 1
It speeds up execution
Option 2
It increases the code size
Option 3
All of these
Option 4
None of these
Q No.5 of 10

If many function have the same name, which of the following information, if present, will be used by the compiler to invoke the correct function to be used?
Option 1
The operator: :
Option 2
Function signature
Option 3
All of these
Option 4
None of the above
Q No.6 of 10

Choose the correct remarks
Option 1
Some of the existing operators cannot be overloaded.
Option 2
Operator precedence cannot be changed.
Option 3
None of these
Option 4
All of the above.
Q No.7 of 10

A constructor is called whenever
Option 1
An object is declared
Option 2
An object is used
Option 3
A class is declared
Option 4
A class is used
Q No.8 of 10

Which of the following remarks about the differences between constructors and destructors are correct?
Option 1
Constructors can take arguments but destructors cannot.
Option 2
Destructors can take arguments but constructors cannot.
Option 3
Destructors can be overloaded but constructors cannot be overload.
Option 4
None of these
Q No.9 of 10

Which of the following is not a storage class supported by C++?
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Q No.10 of 10

Which of the following operators cannot overloaded?
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
All of these
Option 4
No such operator exists